Wedding Details
9:30 AM – Bride Arrival
- The bride arrives at the venue. This marks the beginning of the day’s celebrations.
10:00 AM – Guest Welcome
- The event team welcomes guests warmly, guiding them to their seats or designated areas.
Refreshments or welcome drinks may be served.
10:30 AM – Stage Event: Kottipaattu
- Traditional or cultural performances take place on stage, such as Kottipaattu (traditional songs), entertaining the guests and setting a vibrant atmosphere.
11:00 AM – Bride Entry to Stage
- The bride makes her grand entry to the stage
11:30 AM – Live Music Performance
12:00 PM – Lunch
- A variety of delicious dishes are provided
1:00 PM – Kottipaattu
- A second round of the Kottipaattu performance continues to entertain guests.
1:30 PM – Bridegroom and Guest Welcome
- The groom arrives at the venue, accompanied by family and friends in a festive procession.
- Guests are warmly welcomed by the host or event team.
1:35 PM – Refreshments
- Refreshments are served to the groom, close family, and guests.
1:40 PM – Bride Grooming and Groom Entry to Stage
- The bride prepares for her next appearance while the groom makes his grand entry to the stage, adding to the excitement of the day.
2:00 PM – Nikah Ceremony
- The bride and groom exchange their vows in the presence of family and close friends.
2:20 PM – Bride’s Entry to Stage
- The bride makes her formal entry to the stage, now joining the groom as a married couple.
2:30 PM – Couple & Guest Lunch
- The newlyweds, along with the guests, enjoy a celebratory lunch.
3:00 PM – Ceremony Begins
- The post-Nikah ceremony activities, such as speeches, blessings, or cultural rituals, begin on stage.
3:30 PM – Ceremony Ends
- The formal part of the event concludes, and guests are invited to enjoy the remainder of the celebration.
3:45 PM – Couple Photoshoot
- The couple participates in a dedicated photoshoot session, capturing special moments together as newlyweds.
4:40 PM – Function Ends
- The wedding celebration officially concludes.
- Guests bid farewell to the couple, offering their blessings and well wishes as they prepare for their new journey together.